Mind + Emotions
Fruits and veggies can only go so far if we have a regular diet of toxic thoughts, or if we are constantly plugged into devices. Kids will dive into the science of the brain to gain a better understanding of how our minds impact our overall health.
Review of Craving
Coping Skills: How Do You Deal?
Coping Skills: When you’ve got to deal differently.
Activity: Watch Your Words Calendar
Choices: Do They Matter Long-Term?
Communication: Building Blocks for Bonding
Activity: Prevention is Better Than a Cure
The 3 C's Quiz
Addiction: Not Just Drugs and Alcohol
Activity: Irregular Reward Center
Combat the Instant Gratification Culture
Tech Obsession Leads to Isolation
Activity: Interview- What Do You Crave?
Balance is the Bottom Line
The Plugged-In Quiz
The Right Keys Unlock the Door to Health
Benefits and Risks: Right Keys vs. Wrong Keys
Activity: Create a Groove
Destructive Cycle: Expectations > Stress > Depression
Depression: Vulnerable but not Required
Activity: Emotional Eating Research
PDF- Eating Disorder Venn Diagram
What Came First? Addiction or Depression
Managing Stress + Depression Quiz
Awareness of Toxic Thoughts
How to Shift the Brain
Activity: Harmful vs. Helpful Dice Game
Healing the Brain: Broken Pair-Bonds
Exhaustion = Emotional
Activity: Feeling Faces
Mind Management + Toxic Thoughts Quiz
Change your brain by changing your words.
New Wallpaper: Tools To Tear Down and Put Up
Activity: Become a Gold Digger
PDF - Activity: Negative vs. Positive Word Match up
Suicidal Thoughts: A Negativity Avalanche
Final Project Options
Sources for Further Research
Words Quiz