Nutrition + Fitness
Going beyond the basics of calories in and calories burned, Choose Health gives kids a bigger picture. Our brains have a huge part to play in our cravings, digestion, fitness and long-term health.
Introduction- What is health?
Health Defined
Nutrition Defined
Nutrition Classification
Activity: Nutrition Classification Crossword Puzzle
PDF to Print: Nutrition Classification Crossword Puzzle
Quiz: Nutrition Basics
Nutrients- What are they for?
Activity: Body Systems- What nutrients do they need?
PDF to Print: Body Systems- What nutrients do they need?
Nutrition Facts: Labels and Keeping Track
Activity: Comparing Food Labels
PDF to print- Comparing Food Labels
Quiz: Nutrients in Our Bodies
Food Additives: Are all ingredients created equally?
Activity: Get Accountable
Fats: Bad vs. Good
Activity: This or That Game
Sugar: Is the sweet life too sweet?
Activity: Research on Nutrition for Disease Prevention
Quiz: Additives, Fats and Sugars- Oh my!
Brain Food: Craving starts in the brain.
It's All Chemical: Neurotransmitters and Hormones (Part 1)
It's All Chemical: Neurotransmitters and Hormones (Part 2)
Activity: Track Cravings- My Food Journal
Quiz: Craving Explained
Fitness: Move It or Lose It
Activity: Exercise That's Not Boring
Stretching: The most important 5 minutes of your day.
Activity: Am I F.I.T.T.?
Goals: Choosing to use what you learn.
Final Project
Quiz: Fitness and Activity
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